2012 | Publication | 61 pages | English | 21 x 14.8 cm | ISBN 9788867490028
During a residency at Casino Luxembourg, I commissioned five local artists to help me invent the imaginary for an invented world. For two months, from an office installed in the Project Room, we developed a series of codes, dysfunctional languages, chronicles of isolated events, suggesting visuals, an anthem - an arbitrarily partial history of a place. Based on an artwork, we dadaistically called our six-member society Latsempoar. After the residency, the office was shut down, deliberately leaving traces behind for the spectators to discover our fictional universe. At a later stage, I published a publication titled What Comes After the L (2012, Mousse Publishing) consisting of a series of magic-realism-inspired short stories that used the collaborators as characters and their materials as inspiration. It also features a set of endnotes by writer and curator Sarah Demeuse.